Friday, June 10, 2011

What Inspired You?

I fell in love with Eugène Ysaÿe’s Sonata for Solo Violin, Op. 27, No. 3 (“Ballade”) the first time I heard it. I had heard a lot of violin music up to that point, but nothing quite like this—it was one of those moments where you feel yourself expanding with the newness of it, even while you are sure you always knew something like this was out there. Maybe I can do that, too! I knew then and there that I had to play it, even if it was over my head. It was a challenge, but totally worth it, and I eventually played it on a recital. It is a moment I am still proud of. (This performance is worlds better, and if you haven’t ever heard the piece, I highly recommend taking a listen.)

Sketches of HomeThen there’s the book that made me want to write: Sketches of Home, by Suzanne Clark. I started reading it Christmas Day, 2003. The way it spoke to me, the way she wrote about her life, made me want to write back, or at least join in.

I’m curious about your experiences—was there a piece of music, or artwork, or literature, or anything, that was completely new to you but somehow recognizable? Something that set you on a different course? What was it? How did it affect you? Did it change your life?