Saturday, March 26, 2011

Notes from a Children's Concert

Oh, what a busy week! We had a full schedule of school and violin lessons and everything else, but on top of that my husband and I played three children’s concerts on Wednesday with the Quincy Symphony Orchestra (or "Quinceny Symphony," as Youngest likes to call it.) I enjoy these more every year. Maybe it’s seeing my own children in the audience, maybe it’s the energy in the auditorium, maybe it’s that I’m getting old enough that I don’t feel like I have to say that certain music is cheesy and I can just enjoy it for what it is, but I think these concerts are fun.

Some notes from those performances:

• When it’s the tuba player’s turn to hold up his instrument during the “meet the instruments” part of the program, it will always create a stir
• A harp really does sound like magic.
• The lowest note a bass clarinet can play? Just plain funny.
• Low notes in general are hilarious.
• The louder and more exciting the ending is, the louder everyone will clap, no matter what else happens.
• The best sound to hear from onstage is the collective gasp of recognition when the orchestra begins to play something familiar. Hearing the kids saying the actual title is a bonus.
• Re: above—excitement trumps perfect concert etiquette every time.
• (Every single time.)
• The music from Star Wars still rocks.
• The more brass and percussion you have for your hero theme, the better.